Bridgeway Academy’s Statement
June 2, 2020
Black lives matter. Bridgeway Academy was formed on the principles of equity, inclusion, and the establishment of environments and systems that are supportive of all people.
Our mission is to inspire the potential and celebrate the ability of every child. The nature of our work puts Bridgeway Academy uniquely positioned at the intersection of race and disability.
We know that our students and clients already face challenges navigating a world that was not built with their needs in mind. We also know that out of these 300 wonderful, extraordinary, and neurodiverse individuals, some are disproportionately affected by the issues of systemic racism, poverty, and inequality.
Bridgeway Academy is committed to doing the hard work of confronting racism and implicit bias within our community and within our own organization. We promise to stand with our staff and families of color, to create a safe space for sharing, supporting, and lifting up marginalized voices to help us lead Bridgeway Academy on a path towards meaningful change.
We pledge to take steps to move towards a more equitable society for all people, and will continue to engage with conversations around how our organization can make a difference in the larger story of social justice, and to support members of our community who are actively engaged in this movement.