Donate to Bridgeway
When you make a gift to Bridgeway, you make a difference. Click here to donate to our annual fund!
Because of YOUR SUPPORT, the students and families of Bridgeway receive important resources, including scholarships, updated technology, and curriculum.
Because of YOUR SUPPORT, our teachers can focus on the individualized needs of every student, providing a positive learning environment that fosters growth for all.
It’s about what YOU make possible and we are grateful for every gift made to support our mission to inspire the potential and celebrate the ability of every child.
When you make your contribution, please consider a reoccurring gift (monthly or quarterly of any amount) and check with your HR department for matching gift options. However you decide to give, we are grateful for your support.
If you have questions or would like to make your donation over the phone, please contact Alex Randolph, Development Manager, at 614-262-7520, or via email at
For more information about Bridgeway, its effectiveness, legitimacy, impact, reputation, finances, transparency and governance, please visit Guidestar.